Thursday, May 14, 2015

Blog Response Grade Guidelines

This is the rubric I'll be using to grade your blog responses and comments.

Grade of 90-100: Exceptional Work
·         Response is 500-750 words
·         Response has an exceptionally interesting/creative thesis and is focused on one clear topic/idea/question
·         Response has an intelligent, clear structure, excellent topic sentences, a captivating introduction and a memorable conclusion
·         Response uses fine textual evidence to argue/support specific points and/or refer to someone else’s posts and explicates that evidence
·         Response has correctly formatted citations (including a works cited page)
·         Response and comments contain no errors in punctuation, usage, and spelling
·         At least two significant (error-free) comments on other posts

Grade of 80-89: Very Good Work
·         Response is 500-750 words
·         Response has an interesting/creative thesis and is focused on one clear topic/idea/question
·         Response has a good, clear structure, good topic sentences, a good introduction and a good conclusion
·         Response uses solid textual evidence to argue/support specific points and/or refer to someone else’s posts and explicates that evidence
·         Response has correctly formatted citations (including a works cited page)
·         Posts and comments contain only one or two errors in punctuation, usage, and spelling
·         At least two significant (error-free) comments on other posts

Grade of 70-79: Competent/Acceptable Work
·         Response is 500-750 words
·         Response has an adequate thesis and is mostly focused on one clear topic/idea/question
·         Response has a clear structure, adequate topic sentences, a clear introduction and a clear conclusion
·         Response uses textual evidence to argue/support specific points and/or refer to someone else’s posts and explicates that evidence
·         Response has mostly correctly formatted citations (including a works cited page)
·         Post and comments contain some (but few major) errors in punctuation, usage, and spelling
·         Two significant (error-free) comments on other posts

Weekly Grade of 69 and below: Poor/Unacceptable Work
·         Post is less than 500 words
·         Response is unfocused and/or not specific with an unclear thesis and poor paragraph development/organization  
·         Response uses little to no evidence and doesn’t explicate evidence
·         Response lacks correctly formatted citations and a missing or incorrectly formatted works cited page
·         Response contains a number of errors in punctuation, usage, or spelling
·         Comments are non-existent or insignificant or error-ridden

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